All dimensions below are in pixels, width x height.
With 2 billion daily active users, Facebook continues to outpace other social media channels. The images you use here are crucial — choosing a lower-quality one can make or break your engagement. Pro tip: The way images display on your own timeline might look different.
Twitter, meanwhile, is often the social network of choice for users to talk aboutyou. It’s where customers ask questions, leave praise, and request help. But, the format and display have changed several times in the course of its history, so here are the image dimensions you need to know.
Don’t be fooled: Google+ is still an important place for brands to maintain a consistent presence, even if you think it might not get as much attention as other social media channels. The last thing you want to do is to have users stumble upon your profile there, only to find months (or more) of radio silence and distorted visual content. Plus, remember: Where there’s Google+, there is Google, indicating a connection to the search giant itself. Here’s how to visually optimize that presence.
Given that Instagram’s bread-and-butter is visual content, you’ll want your presence on this channel to match that foundation, especially in terms of quality. And with over 700 million daily active users, you’ll want to look your best. Here are the dimensions that can help.
Here’s a fun fact: 90% of content posted on Pinterest consists of external links. For that reason, it’s worthwhile to leverage Pinterest for referral traffic — but it still has to catch your audience’s eyes. Here are the dimensions to make sure your Pinterest presence maintains visual quality.
Love it or hate it, LinkedIn is the social channel for digital professional networking. And depending on your industry, it can still be a good vehicle for traffic and discovery, especially within the B2B sector. Plus, if you’re using it for recruiting purposes, it’s important to present well on a job that several people use for research on job listings, as well as employer culture, location, and more.
Here’s another network where visual content reigns supreme — not to mention, one with more than one billion users. Make sure your own visual assets match that underlying purpose and philosophy — not just with the videos you share on there, but with the profile presence you maintain.
Tumblr has been called many things: a blogging platform, a social network, and a content-sharing center where marketers and consumers alike can, well, share whatever they want. And with 372.5 million blogs currently registered on the site, you’ve got company — so shape up and make sure your visuals fit the right dimensions.
At long last, we arrive at Snapchat: yet another social media channel known primarily for its visual assets. When it comes to using this network for marketing purposes, dimensions are fairly uniform, whether you’re simply looking to use a geofilter, or you’re hoping to share an ad or sponsored lens.